The Dufferin Astronomy Association
Serving: Shelburne, Orangeville, Grand Valley, Dundalk and surounding areas.
The following are pictures by club members. Submissions are always welcome, so give us your best shot!

By: Jason Todoroff Telescope: 80mm Orion CFT apochromatic refractor Camera: SBIG 8300STFc

By Ken Pituley Telescope: Meade 8 Inch LS SCT.

By Ken Pituley Telescope: Meade 8 Inch Light Switch SCT

By: Jason Todoroff Telescope: Celestron C11 SCT Camera: ZWO ASI224mc at F20

By: Jason Todoroff Telescope: Celestron C11 SCT Camera: ZWO ASI224mc at F20

By: Jason Todoroff Telescope: C11 SCT at F20 on CGEM Camera: ASI ZWO 224mc

By Jason Todoroff Telescope Used: 8inch Skywatcher Newtonian on HEQ5 Mount Camera: Celestron Neximage5

By: Jason Todoroff Telescope: C11 SCT at F20 on CGEM Camera: ASI ZWO 224mc